Getting a Siberian husky means choosing a lifestyle


Living life at the pace of a Siberian husky that's how WE can describe people who are in love with this breed

A Siberian husky is when you're so strong in spirit that you can watch as your dog runs off into the woods on its own business, and your cries are carried away by the wind in the opposite direction. And yet, you still trust it - after all, you're a family. You know it will return because it's about trust and understanding that your husky is an individual.

Living life at the pace of a Siberian husky - that's how you can describe people who are in love with the breed. If you find it hard to stay in one place at home for even half a year, a husky is for you. With them, life is such that you live it actively, not just watching others from the window. You're at the center of events.

Life with a Siberian husky means having an active life stance, even when you're already retired. The Siberian husky is our totem animal in the form of a dog. It's when your values are about something more global than just money and status.

It's worth noting that Siberian huskies are more than their stunning exterior, extravagant behavior, and perpetually smiling face. They are about people with big kind hearts and those who know what they want and are ready to find in a Siberian husky a full-fledged partner and strong personality. A husky forces you to be better, to know yourself more, to reveal yourself in a different way.

Siberian, husky, FCI, AKC, pace, life, about, Breeder, overseas, showlines, kennel, europe
2 boys and 3 girls are available for approved serious homes

Useful articles about Siberian Husky and our news. Here we spill the Husky tea, sharing insights into the breed, its quirks, and how we handle the "woes" of Husky life. We debunk myths firsthand, revealing the multifaceted world of living with Huskies. Witness our show ring triumphs, delve into our lives with these majestic furballs, and embark on our exhilarating adventures. Get ready to fetch a wealth of Husky knowledge for yourself!



Lina Gorelova
Очень долго подбирала питомник, пересмотрела около десятка хороших и качественных, но помимо собак для меня важен был и образ заводчиков, так как именно с этими людьми щенки общаются самое важное время, до 3 месяцев, когда закладываются все запечатки и установки по поведению и характеру щенка. Заводчик не просто отдаёт щенка, а обучает его отношению к дому, вещам, прогулкам. Мне очень понравились ребята Таня и Вова, и их веселая дружная компания собак, которые жили в доме, очень аккуратно, без следов шерсти и запаха. Собаки были очень дружелюбные и вежливые. Щенки просто прелесть. Сейчас у нас щенок Ядвига живет несколько месяцев - это очень социальная, дружелюбная, спокойная и обучаемая открытая собака. Одновременно активная и подвижная. Когда попросила рекомендаций у друзей-собачников, тоже советовали обратить внимание именно на Hakuna Vota. Удачи вам и много прекрасных щенков!

Michael Meinig
Hi Tetiana, its ok 🙈
We wanted to realize our dream and take a husky as a new member of the family. We contacted various breeders. Hakuna Vota was quickly the favorite. Despite the great geographical distance, we were quickly in good contact with Tetiana. She answered our first important questions very quickly. her public posts on social media gave us the decision too. Tetiana wanted to know our living conditions to see if we were the right people for one of her puppies. That we found very good. We were in regular contact with Tetiana. She prepared us with her suggestions about the necessary equipment, the right dog food, dog-friendly design of the house and garden and so on. But Tetiana also prepared our Max perfectly for our living conditions. So that we can see the development of Max up to the handover, we regularly receive videos and pictures about him. The long transport from Ukraine to us in Germany caused us great concern. But Tetiana took our fear away. She organized the transport very well. Max arrived with us stress-free and unscathed. We have also received all the necessary papers. After Max met us, we met dog owners with their dogs. Everyone was amazed at Max because he socialized very well and responded well to instructions. We owe this to Tetiana's training. Everyone in the family and everyone around knows and loves our Max. Often other people come and say Max is so pretty and nice. That's no joke! We don't have our decision to order Max from Hakuna Vota. If we want another husky, we will order it again from Hakuna Vota.
Wiebke Kohn
We had 4 wonderful days in Dnipro to meet our husky girl Yuka. She is now 12 weeks old and like her brothers and sisters just wonderful. Not only beautiful but also well trained and socialized. We are so lucky to have found Tetjana and her huskies. Thank you so much for all. Now we have to wait another 4 weeks and then she will be brought to Hamburg, Germany. That is hard. But enough time for building a fence in our garden.😅😄
Elestory is a big team of professionals and very responsible people. We started working with Elestory 3 years ago, and every year their business program becomes better. They maintain their best level.
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49000 Dnipro, RYBINSKA str. 32 / 79000 LVIV

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